Christian Thorne:

"The Grassy-Green Sea"

 Christopher Kendrick: Response

 Maureen Quilligan:

"When Women Ruled the World:
The Glorious Sixteenth Century"

Margaret Ferguson:

"Conning the 'Overseers':
Women's Illicit Work in Behn's 'The Adventure of the Black Lady'"

Jill P. Ingram:

"A Case for Credit:
Isabella Whitney's 'Wyll and Testament' and the Mock Testament Tradition"

Julie Crawford:

"Women (Authors) on Top"
(A Response to Quilligan, Ferguson, and Ingram)

The Electronic Seminar

Maureen Quilligan:

Response to Julie Crawford

Julie Crawford:

Response to Maureen Quilligan's Response

Jill P. Ingram:

Response to Julie Crawford

Julie Crawford:

Response to Jill P. Ingram's Response



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ISSN 1939-0246.

Page last updated 3-4-06. 
