Julie Crawford is an associate professor of English literature at Simon Fraser University. Her articles have appeared in ELH, SEL, Renaissance Drama and a wide range of edited collections, most recently Beyond the 'All-Male' Stage, a collection of articles on women players edited by Pamela Allen Brown and Peter Parolin. Her book Marvelous Protestantism was just published by Johns Hopkins University Press and she is currently completing a book on women and the production of coterie literature in early modern England.

Margaret Ferguson is Professor of English at the University of California, Davis. Her book Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender and Empire in Early Modern England and France was the 2004 co-winner of the book prize awarded by the Society For the Study of Early Modern Women and also won the Roland Bainton Prize for Literature. She is currently co-editing a volume of essays on early modern prose for the MLA's "Options for Teaching" series; she is also working on a book about Aphra Behn.

Jill Phillips Ingram is an assistant professor of English at Ohio University. She is interested in the literary expression of economic self-interest within communal credit networks. Her book, Idioms of Self-Interest: Credit, Identity, and Property in English Renaissance Literature, will be published by Routledge in 2006.

Christopher Kendrick is Professor of English Literature at Loyola University-Chicago, and is the author of Utopia, Carnival, and Commonwealth in Renaissance England (Toronto University Press, 2004).

Maureen Quilligan is R. Florence Brinkley Professor of English at Duke University where she has just stepped down as Department Chair. She has recently published a study of Renaissance English women writers titled Incest and Agency in Elizabeth's England. She is currently at work on a book about Elizabeth I and Catherine de Médicis and the theory of female rule.

Christian Thorne is assistant professor of English at Williams College.



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